Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Quilters Assistant

Mr Fozzie has joined me in my quilting room and seems to have some advice on how to quilt.
 When you square up don't forget this blue part is an extra quarter inch, do you see the blue line?
 You cant imagine what the quilt is going to look like with your squares scattered everywhere like this.  Are you sure you know what your doing?
 Yeah this is better having them lined up like you'd like to see them,  Yawn... I'm sleepy.
This quilting stuff is a lot of work, I think I will take a little nap and let you finish.
I think I like quilting.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hello Kitty

Little Fozzie's getting bigger and bigger every day.  So full of mischief and fun.
9 Weeks old

His stripes are becoming more pernounced and turning into a beautiful little kitty.