Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Poots!

 My kitty got a spot of whip cream as his 17th birthday treat,
and boy did he go to town. I even let him sit at the
 kitchen island to eat it.  Is that bad?:)

Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Its My Birthday!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Not long after my mom died I found this book at the book store and I had to have it.
Its illustrations are precious and its writing hit home...

My Mother Gave Me the Moon
My mother gave me the stars.
My mother gave me the universe and all its little miracles.
My mother gave me warmth.
My mother gave me security.
And all the while my mother gave me room to grow
And the freedom to discover the world for myself.
My mother gave me the gift of countless sunny afternoons...
Of wheelbarrow races and butterfly chases.
Bubbles of all sizes and sweet surprises.
My mother gave me a childhood pure and joyful.
My mother gave me friendship.
My mother gave me faith.
She instilled in me a sense of wonder
And the wisdom  to be gentle with all living things.
My mother gave me dreams and the courage to believe in them.
And she still does.
My mother made every day seem special
And made special days nothing short of magical.
She taught me to hold traditions dear...
And family close.
And long before anyone else did....
My mother showed me what love really is.
Written by Patrick Regan
Of course the illustrations filled with kittens didn't hurt either. :)

Happy Mothers Day Mom,  I Miss You....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Twister Quilt

Twister Quilt complete :) 

Throughout my life, what I spend my money on has
changed over the years.  First it was clothes, then
 It was home depot.  Vacations,Then came the baby etc.
Now?  its fabric, and I'm sure I'm not alone. 
How much fabric do you have?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thyme Began In a Garden

It was a nice sunny day for a change after a long rainy week.  The gardens coming alive slow but sure and kittys catchin some rays.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

Saw this and couldn't resist adding another angel to my garden

Finished the pocketbook I have been working on, Reproduction
Civil War fabric with leather handle's.  
Look who's up looking out the window and realizing spring is
here and mice and birds are plenty YUM!